Written By: Ravi Prithipaul While the simple possession, use, storage, or handling, of a firearm might appear to be a victimless crime, Crown prosecutors and police agencies take these offences very seriously. There are numerous offences in the Canadian Criminal…Read more

Written By: Ravi Prithipaul Broadly speaking, the penalties for drug offences depend on the circumstances of the offence and the offender. The circumstances of the offence include:Read more

Written By: Ravi Prithipaul If you are facing an impaired driving charge in Alberta, it is important to understand the grounds for your arrest, the charges laid, and potential consequences of a conviction. Ravi Prithipaul, impaired driving lawyer in Alberta,…Read more

Written By: Ravi Prithipaul It is very important to know the full scope of your rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (“the Charter”) if you are ever detained, arrested and/or searched. Section 10 of the Charter deals…Read more

Written By: Ravi Prithipaul Many misconceptions about drunk driving exist and, because some people are misinformed, they end up driving impaired or over the legal limit. In efforts to educate readers, a few common impaired driving myths are debunked.Read more

Written By: Ravi Prithipaul Drinking and driving continues to be a debilitating problem in our society. Impaired driving causes injury and death in Alberta every year. It is precisely because of the serious risk of collisions that operating motor vehicles…Read more

Written By: Ravi Prithipaul No one wants to be arrested, but in the event that you are, it is important to know your rights and responsibilities. Ravi Prithipaul, Q.C., criminal defence lawyer, informs you of what you need to know.Read more

Written By: Ravi Prithipaul Being accused of a criminal offence is a serious and potentially life-changing event. Whether or not there is a basis for the charge, you should contact an experienced criminal defence lawyer. Unfortunately, people are sometimes accused…Read more

Written By: Ravi Prithipaul If you have a DUI case in Edmonton, your interests are best served with legal representation. Hiring an experienced lawyer criminal with past success in defending DUI charges can substantially increase your chances of a favorable…Read more

Written By: Ravi Prithipaul Being charged with a criminal offence is a serious matter; the severe penalties that flow from a conviction can have life-altering consequences. If you or someone you care about is charged with a criminal offence, contact…Read more

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